The Complete Car Camping Packing List


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Car camping can be an easy, fun way to spend some time outdoors and off the grid while still having access to some modern conveniences. You have a lot more flexibility when packing for a car camping trip because you don’t need to be able to carry everything on your back. Before I show you my packing list, let’s go over a few considerations.

car camping


Is it going to be cold? Hot? Rainy? Snowy? Remember, you will be sleeping in a tent, so you should consider this when selecting what clothing and bedding to bring.


Does this campground offer shower facilities? Flushing toilets? Potable water? Firewood? Fire ring? Grill? Some campgrounds offer these amenities while others do not. You’ll want to find out about your specific campground or you could be caught in a rough spot.


Packing List


  • Water wicking shirts and pants (Enough outfits for all days you’re there, plus 1 extra if you get wet or dirty. You will be living outside, after all.)

  • Undergarments and socks (same rule as for clothing)

  • Hiking shoes or sturdy sneakers

  • Camp shoes (Something that slips on and off easily for around your campsite, you don’t want to wear shoes in your tent.)

  • A hat (Trust me, your hair won’t look good anymore by day two or three.)

  • Swimsuit (If there is a pool or lake you will be swimming in.)

  • Shower shoes (If there is a shower you plan to use. Usually flip flops work.)

  • Fleece or light jacket if needed

  • Sunglasses


Food Prep:

  • Mess kit (utensils, plate, cup, and bowl)

  • French press (It tastes way better than instant coffee, we have this insulated metal one)

  • Camp stove or grill if needed (we use this little Weber)

  • Fuel for the stove

  • Kettle (For your french press)

  • Pots and pans (You can get camp specific ones, like these)

  • Cooking utensils

  • Griddle (We use this for bacon and eggs at breakfast)

  • Oven mit

  • S’mores sticks (It isn’t camping if you don’t have s’mores!)

  • Portable camp sink (to clean dishes in)

  • Dish soap and sponge

  • Cooler (Make sure it will fit in your bear box.)

  • Bottle opener/corkscrew

  • Reusable water bottle

  • Jugs of water if potable water isn’t available at your campground


  • Tent (You can have a bigger one when car camping because you don’t need to carry it on your back. I have this 4-person tent in red.)

  • Tarp (for under your tent)

  • Mallet (for hammering in tent stakes)

  • Weather appropriate sleeping bag (They are rated by what temperature they keep you comfortable in.)

  • Pillow

  • Extra blankets if desired (We almost always end up using them.)

  • Cot / air mattress / sleep pad (We use these cots with an exercise pad on top and LOVE them. Air mattresses cause you to lose body heat. They seem to spring leaks all the time, and there’s nothing worse than waking up on the cold hard ground at 3am.)


  • Bug repellent (deet free)

  • Sunscreen (without harsh chemicals if swimming in a natural body of water)

  • Camp chairs

  • Books, cards, games, or other entertainment

  • Firewood (If you can’t get it at the campground, buy it as close as possible to the campground to avoid spreading potentially invasive insects to the area.)

  • Toilet paper (You never know if the bathroom will be stocked.)

  • Paper towels 

  • Multitool

  • Head lamps and/or flashlights (plus extra batteries)

  • Lantern (plus extra batteries) 

  • Trash bags (Do NOT litter. Practice leave no trace.)

  • First aid kit

If you don’t want to purchase all of your camping gear, there are options to rent through many outdoor stores like REI.

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